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Just a Moment

What do you notice in this picture?

The Bible is pretty front and center. The pint of ice cream is a little obvious as well.

But then there's the half finished laundry. The unused tread mill in the background.

What you can't see is the time on the clock. You can't hear the quiet that surrounds me. What is unknown to you is the thoughts of my heart.


It's a small moment.


This picture is a moment in my current reality. My present includes dropping kiddos off at school early in the morning, tackling chores around the house, time spent studying for the women's group I co-lead and writing. It's simple. It's a season I never dreamed I would have. It is also one that's hard to admit to.

Because what you don't see there is the level of guilt when asked what I did with my day & my answer lacks stories of busyness and chaos.

You can't get a glimpse of the wrestling match with unworthiness as I wonder what the heck I am supposed to do now. How am I contributing to this family? Community? Society?

There isn't a view into the low self esteem caused by a weakness for ice cream & a body in too much pain to step onto said tread mill.


These are the hidden moments.


These can also be the lying moments.

Life is truly made up of the small moments. We have the choice to believe in truth & glory or be burdened by lies that dull the occasion.

When that exhausted baby who's been fussing for hours finally falls asleep, is it frustration that fills your mind as you think of all that is left undone around the house? Or do you choose to see the peace that crests their sweet face as rest finally finds them; giving you time to pray over them & be thankful?

When your child is defeated by homework & your tension fills the space between you, is the opportunity seized with yelling or quieted with moment to pray & learn that you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you?

When the traffic sits still and the guy to your right cuts you off, will you curse in anger or patiently smile, praying for whatever causes them to hurry.

When the bank account is empty & the bills pile high...

When your spouse doesn't hear or understand what you're saying...

When you're employer under appreciates your effort...

These are all just a moment in time. An occasion for defeat or victory. A gift of opportunity to see the goodness of God & His glory. But we have to choose.

Choose to be still.

See truth.

Embrace the glory of the moment.


To everything there is a season,

A time for every purpose under heaven.

Ecclesiastes 3:1


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