So That Hope Springs

Summer floats away as Fall breathes her chilly breeze. Waiting.
Winter blankets the world softly, freezing a moment in time.
Spring patiently sleeps. Waiting
Her dance of new life, a promise of hope.
Summer will be back down the river once again.
As sure as the seasons our hearts will follow.
The rhythm of life. Waiting.
A circle of dreams, tears & hope.
Sometimes we forget that life is a cycle of seasons. We focus on a moment; wanting it to pass quickly or last forever. Winter has been outside my window pane, and in my heart as well. I am looking for hope to poke through like the brave & beautiful first bloom. I must remind myself that without the winter there can be no spring. Rest in the rhythm of the moment. Wait.
Wherever your heart is on this first day of Spring,
may you know the grace of God's timing,
So That Hope may spring anew.
To everything there is a season,
and a time to every purpose under heaven.
Ecclesiastes 3:1