So That God is Magnified

I have a love hate relationship with mirrors. They're kinda necessary when prepping one's self for the day. While there is the rare occasion of being happy with what I see; most days I hate looking in the mirror. I mainly notice imperfections that need to be fixed. While shopping with my mom-n-love, we came across this sweet little mirror sitting atop the Eiffel Tower. I have always admired the Eiffel Tower and mom in her always generous way bought me one. One side was a normal reflection, but then you flip it and the other side was 4x larger. With silly giggles we made jokes about unwanted facial hair and pores that were too large. Admittedly, as I age, I need that little mirror to see my trouble areas and correct my issues.
While contemplating this little treasure I couldn't help but think of my spiritual reflection. What do I see or rather not see? Sometimes we need a little help in identifying the blemishes marring our heart. Have you ever taken a quick glance in the mirror while washing your hands and catch sight of a pimple, or food in your teeth and think, "Crud! Everyone at lunch saw me like this!" That is how I feel when my anger, an unkind word, or selfish act gets the best of me, "Stink, everyone just saw that." What if we took the time to magnify our hearts and correct those problems before they show up? What if we had a tiny mirror that would enlarge what we see?
Search me, O God and know my heart;
Try me and know my anxieties;
See if there be any wicked way in me,
Lead me to the way everlasting.
Psalm 139:23-24
We have a couple of tools available to us that magnify what is in our hearts. We have the person of Jesus Christ to show us our errors. It is His perfection that illuminates my imperfections. When I meditate on the nature of Jesus I become aware of both my hidden faults & my presumptuous sins. I then can be delivered from both.
Who can understand his errors?
Cleanse me from secret faults.
Keep back Your servant also from presumptuous sins;
Let them not have dominion over me.
Then I shall be blameless,
And I shall be innocent of great transgression.
Psalm 19:12-13
In the same way God's word identifies our short comings. Even better than that is the promise of keeping us from failing if we will meditate upon His law. The words of the bible are living. They can form our thoughts, words and actions. They lead us down a path of righteousness.

How can a young person stay on the path of purity?
By living according to
Your word.
I seek you with all my heart;
Do not let me stray from Your commandments.
I have hidden Your word
in my heart
That I might not sin against You.
Psalm 119:9-11
Personally, God uses people and events to check my heart as well. When surrounded by people, I am more aware of what I say & do. Like that mirror I can see a reflection of myself in other people from the reactions I receive. Did my words encourage or hurt them? Were my actions selfless & kind or self serving? I definitely get a check up in the parenting department when I observe my kiddos in public settings. If there is a problem that needs fixing, it usually starts with me and my heart-a-ttitude. We are to build each other up toward Jesus. I cannot do this if I am not walking in truth.
But why? Why does it matter if we have spiritually healthy lives? We want the worthiness of Jesus to become manifest and be acknowledge to the world around us. The word magnify is a verb meaning to extol, to intensify or to make renowned. Our created purpose is to mirror the image of God; to reflect His holiness. We self check So That God is magnified.
Oh! Magnify the Lord with me.
Let us exalt His name together.
Psalm 34:3