Pondering The Gift
We try to make it home at least once a year, usually at Christmas. For the times that we do go home at Christmas, we have created a...

Declare Like the Shepherds
We had been at the park awhile when I did my customary head count, 1, 2…1, 2…”Where was Canon?” It sounds awful, but I had lost him...

Worship Like the Angels
When I was in middle school, I had the privilege of being one of the angels in our church Christmas program. This wasn't your usual...

Brave Like Joseph
When Noah was a small child, he loved to climb to the highest point that he could find and jump to Matt. I’m not talking about a top...

Seek Like the Magi
Hide & Seek was always a favorite game for my sisters and I. We loved when Dad would play because we were never sure what new hiding...